0049 15735141729   khalilkermani@gmail.com   english


The land of dreams between the Atlas Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, with its diverse culture and history, experienced a nightmare in its recent history on the night of 8-9 September 2023. A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the region in the Atlas Mountains 70 kilometres southwest of the historic „Red City“ of Marrakech. Members of the Miara network are helping to alleviate the plight of the people, especially in the remote mountain regions.

Marrakesch Markt


Direct help from ZIVD e.V.

In the night from Friday to Saturday, the worst earthquake in a long time occurred in Morocco. With a magnitude of 6.8, the quake caused houses to collapse, especially in Marrakech and the Atlas region.

More than 2,000 people lost their lives and well over 1,000 people were injured, some of them seriously.

Together with our local partners from L’EVASION TOURS, we have decided to become active in providing help to the people in the affected region.


Recipient: ZIVD e. V. – Zentrum Interkultureller Verständigung Dresden
Commerzbank, IBAN: DE43 8504 0000 0201 6442 00 , BIC: COBADEFFXXX
Purpose: „Erdbeben Marokko“


Direkthilfe Marokko

At the moment there are hardly any tents left in the crisis region. The people urgently need a roof over their heads, which is why we are asking you for donations in kind, contrary to our original plan to only buy locally. We are looking for small tents for 1 to 4 people, not too heavy.

Zelte für Marokko